Writing in Color: Exploring Craft for BIPOC+ Writers

$0.00 Members
$5.00 Non-members

Expand your craft knowledge with the Writing in Color community! Join us for our February and March Meetups where we’ll learn about specific craft elements and themes that will support the writing practices of BIPOC+* writers in any genre.

February Meetup with Andrew Hernández

Crafting Place, Crafting Belonging

"But, where are you REALLY from?" For BIPOC folks, our own relationship to place and space can be challenging. In life and in writing, how do we communicate our connection to a place when it may represent home and love, but also strife, alienation, and conflict? How do we create connection to, and even love for, a place when balancing such complexities? In this craft meet up, we'll reflect on and explore the complexities of our individual places and engage in exercises designed to help us bring these worlds vividly to the page.

*BIPOC+ includes but is not limited to: African, Indigenous, Native, Latinx, Asian, Pacific Islander, Arab, and Multiracial heritage.

Instructor: Andrew Hernández Learn More


Feb 20, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm