Lock Yourself In, Let the Story Out


Kate Barrett

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="288"]Image We'll be sure to take plenty of breaks for physical activity during the three-day writing, coffee, and story conception marathon.[/caption]

Michael Catlin is a story structure guru at Lighthouse.  He has served as a Hollywood reader and story analyst for more than thirty years and his classes at Lighthouse have always helped students create compelling characters and plots for their novels, stories, and memoirs. Now he’s at it again.

Michael will teach a brand new weekend class like nothing Lighthouse has done before. His Three-Day Storytelling Intensive on January 17, 18, and 19, will bring writers together in a creative frenzy that sounds nothing short of a religious experience—if religious experiences helped you flesh out an entire novel in just one weekend, that is. I asked a few questions about his new class and here’s what he had to say:

Have you done anything like this before?
Back in the 80’s in Los Angeles, I was a member of the Actors Institute in Los Angeles.  We did a 3-day weekend called The Mastery where I was one of the leaders. This workshop focused on discovering our creative boundaries as relating to our self-expression, and learning the opportunities for creativity beyond those self-imposed boundaries. While this workshop is focused on writing and the development of your story, we will be exploring many of the same kinds of issues as it concerns your creative writing.

What was the result?
For my own experience it gave me a sense that, when it comes to my own creativity and self-expression, I'm the only one in the way.  It gave me some ways to look at creative action that I still use today.

16 hours over 3 days is a lot of time. What on earth will you do?
We will write. Laugh. Get crazy. Write. Learn about what makes an engaging story (no matter the form or genre). Write. And, laugh.

What should people expect to achieve?
If they come willing to play "what if," drop their expectations and preconceived ideas for their work, and just engage in the process, I expect them all to leave with a much clearer foundation and, equally important, forward momentum for their own work.

How do you expect to deal with late night ghost encounters?
Ask them to pony up and tell their story!

Will people get writing done or just outlines?
There will be writing...lots of writing. Narrowing, winnowing, selecting and developing ideas. Writing. Testing. More writing. And laughing.

What’s the most coffee you’ve ever had in one sitting? Do you plan to break that record?
Is Lighthouse providing the coffee?

We are, in fact, providing the coffee. So there you have it. Attend Michael’s Three Day Storytelling Intensive and you’ll witness record-breaking coffee consumption, interviews with ghosts, and the creation of some incredible stories.

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