Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, and Accessibility

    Lighthouse Writers Workshop is a diverse, inclusive, and equitable place where all participants, employees, and volunteers, whatever their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education or disability, feel valued and respected. We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity for employment and advancement in all of our departments and programs. We respect and value diverse life experiences and heritages and ensure that all voices are heard. To that end, we uphold a commitment to a diverse community by nurturing an inclusive, supportive, and welcoming environment.

    We support the creation of new creative works from writers whose narratives have been largely underrepresented in literature, including a diversity of experiences based on racial, cultural, ethnic, or religious identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical, cognitive, or emotional disability, socioeconomic adversity, and personal experiences of adversity or injustice.

    We work to connect writers and their voices to audiences, peers, and mentors to advance equity in literature. We build and foster writing communities who collectively contribute to a more inclusive representation in writing, creating and sharing diverse and empowered narratives while we collectively explore the intersections between personal, historical, and social realities that shape our understanding and build collective empathy. 

    We’re committed to modeling equity, diversity and inclusion, and to maintaining an inclusive environment with equitable treatment for all. Lighthouse Writers Workshop’s EDIA committee is currently guided by the following goals:

    • Make 3844 York Street a joyously inclusive space.

    • Build and maintain programs, workshops, seminars, and other offerings that are equitable, inclusive, and inspiring places for literary artists to learn the craft, connect with others, and be accepted for who they are and for the writing they’ve created. 

    • The workplace and board environments are truly collaborative, equitable, and inclusive, and staff and board members clearly know that they are valued for their perspectives, ideas, lived experience, and vision.

    These goals will be evaluated and updated as part of our Strategic Planning process at the end of 2024.

    EDIA History at Lighthouse

    At Lighthouse, we are allied with a diverse and inclusive community of writers, striving to be a space where all voices are heard and respected.


    Lighthouse is committed to making its programs and facilities accessible to the literary community.

    If you would like to request accommodations for a program or event, please reach out to our team via [email protected]

    Land Acknowledgement

    Members of our EDIA committee have drafted and edited language for the Lighthouse land acknowledgement after researching examples from other organizations and working to understand what a land acknowledgment means and why Lighthouse should make their own statement.


    Lighthouse EDIA Feedback Form

    We value your honest feedback on our efforts towards Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIA).

    By sharing your experiences and suggestions, you will help us identify areas for improvement and build a more inclusive and equitable environment for everyone. Thank you for your participation!