Top Secrets of Grand Lake

[caption id="attachment_2722" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="NOT a Secret: Moose (and bears) roam the area but Lighthouse faculty know how to scare them away."][/caption]

When I registered for the Grand Lake retreat, I knew there would be writing (and reading, and listening), gorgeous scenery, cool folks and cooler temperatures compared to Denver.  But that was just the beginning!  For those of you who thought about signing up (but didn't) or who have been meaning to attend for years (but haven't), here are some Top Secret tidbits to pique your curiosity.

1.  Umbrellas....or else.  (Psst: this has nothing to do with precipitation, which was minimal, but it does have something to do with garmentation. Yes, retreatants are allowed to invent words).

2.  Tattoos in highly sensitive areas.  Real or imaginary?  Permanent or temporary?  Monochromatic or multicolored?  We're not telling.

3.  1/2 way cookies that were not half-baked.   I'm still pondering this mystery.

4.  A Late Night Lounge named after a Top Secret Lighthouse member.  Surprisingly little noise wafted up from this writerly den...what on earth were they doing?

5.  Men in pink pinafores.  Actually, there was just one pinafore.  It got around.

6. Counterfeit money.  There are only 20 of these bills in circulation..they could become a collector's item.

If you were on the retreat and have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sorry, I can't divulge the specifics.  Next year's retreat is July 15-20...mark your calendars!