Ella Longpre

- Hybrid
- Nonfiction
- Poetry

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Ella Longpre is the author of How to Keep You Alive (CCM 2017), as well as five chapbooks from Belladonna*, Les Ecrits 9, The Lune, Awst, and Monkey Puzzle. Their work has been anthologized, translated into French, and has appeared in DREGINALD, jubilat, la vague, blush lit, Deluge, The Volta, elimae, Manifold Criticism, and other publications. Winner of the 2013 Anne Waldman Fellowship at the Kerouac School, Ella has also received grants from the Région Occitanie Pyrénées Méditérranée, Boulder City Arts Council, and the University of Denver. She has taught creative writing classes at the University of Denver, Naropa Summer Writing Program, Putney School Summer Arts Program, the Lighthouse Writers Workshop, and the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. They earned their PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Denver, and can be found in the woods.
Ella Longpre's Published Work
How to Keep You Alive
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