Rebecca Berg

- Hybrid
- Fiction
- Process

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Rebecca has taught at Lighthouse since 2005. She has also taught writing and literature at the University of Denver, at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, and at Cornell University, where she earned her Ph.D. in English Literature. Long, long ago, as a recipient of a Fulbright travel grant, she spent a year teaching English to high school students in Hamburg, Germany. She has almost two decades’ experience as a freelance editor, and for seven years, from 2004 to 2010, she served as staff writer for the Journal of Environmental Health. Her nonfiction publications include many long-form articles written on assignment, as well as literary-critical essays on Ruth Rendell and Walter Mosley. Rebecca also has three unpublished novels in the drawer. One of these, The Brick Thieves, was named runner-up for the 2016 Juniper Prize in the Novel. Excerpts from another, Julio's Ghost, won the 2008 Dana Award in the Novel. Her short fiction has appeared in Chicago Review, Map Literary, Midwestern Gothic, Phantom Drift, Stillpoint Arts Quarterly, and Water~Stone Review, among other publications.