FREE: Preparing Your Portfolio for ages 10+

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$0.00 Non-members

Are you looking to gain more experience in creative writing? Perhaps you are seeking inspiration for a diverse portfolio of work? Do you have an upcoming audition, contest or submission? If any of the above applies to you, this Saturday Writing Marathon will be right up your alley! We will begin with creative craft exercises that inspire and invigorate writing in any genre, then we will venture into myriad genres, from fiction and poetry to scriptwriting and memoir, to find unique ways of engaging the imagination and expressing ourselves through all types of creative writing. Lastly, we will discuss tricks and tips that add sparkle and shine to any style of writing so that it’s bound to leave a lasting impression in a reader’s mind. 

Instructor: Azar Kohzadi Learn More


Dec 01, 2024 1:00pm - 6:00pm