Writing in Color Presents: Storytelling Through Jazz with Dazzle

$0.00 Members
$0.00 Non-members

As writers, we’re constantly influenced by other art forms, and many of us find solace and inspiration in listening to music while we write. Music, just like our writing, tells a story and aims to bring listeners closer to the human experience. In collaboration with Dazzle Denver, join us for an evening of music-inspired readings with Lighthouse instructors and jazz performance by a BIPOC+-led trio from Dazzle.

This event is open to all who would like to attend. Attendees who identify as BIPOC+ are welcome to join us for a Writing in Color happy hour before the performance.

Writing in Color is a program focused on building community for BIPOC writers, and includes monthly meet-ups that aim to connect writers of color with peers to share ideas, inspirations, new work, successes, challenges, and resources to foster a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive writing community in Colorado and beyond.

Producing unique musical experiences, Dazzle Denver provides the stages upon which artists share their craft, reflecting the beautiful diversity that Colorado has to offer. The roots lie in jazz, but expands to other genres, with a variety of national and international touring acts spicing up the calendar.

Instructor: Multiple Instructors Learn More


Jun 10, 2024 6:30pm - 7:30pm