The Christmas Leave, by David R. Brock, won the Best Original Screenplay 2014 at the GI Film Festival.
Benjamin Dancer was interviewed on Colorado Public Radio about a piece he wrote for Bitch Magazine.
Alexander Lumans' story "Excerpts from The Groom's Survival Guide" (first published in TriQuarterly) and his poem "What We Don't Know About Natalie Portman Can Still Hurt Us" (first published in burntdistrict) were nominated for Pushcart Prizes.
Jennie MacDonald won the Grand Prize in the Tonner Doll Company's Déjà vu Story Contest with her shocking ending to "Judy Watson's Déjà vu Story"!
Fiction writer Robert McBrearty, Lighthouse Member, and Sigman Byrd, a fine poet, read at BookBar on January 23rd, at 7: 00 PM. Both writers are published by Colorado's own outstanding Conundrum Press.
Cynthia Swanson's The Bookseller is listed as an Indie Next Great Reads selection for March.
Gerry Wilson's short story, "Mating," published in Prime Number Magazine #61, has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Amy Law's non-fiction book A Natural History of Trail Ridge Road: Rocky Mountain National Park's HIghway to the Sky will be published March 16, 2015 by History Press. Trail Ridge Road helps readers understand the unique plants and animals they may see as the highway climbs to over 12,000 feet. Amy was first introduced to the History Press at a Lighthouse event.
Nancy J. Vorkink Machin's book In Stricken Liberia We Made a Difference is now available at Tattered Cover and Amazon.
Laura Pritchett's newest novel, Red Lightning, will be released from Counterpoint this June, with a book release party at the Tattered Cover on June 9, and a national tour to follow.
Sigman Shapiro just published his first book—Shadow Season—an adult fable set in the scrublands of the American Southwest that draws on the native traditions of that region. It addresses our culture’s discomfort with the truth of aging and death. Shadow Season is available at and will be on Amazon soon.
Mary Stobie has published her humorous patchwork memoir, You Fall Off, You Get Back On, which received a great review from Kirkus. She'd like to thank Erika Krouse who suggested Mary add stories about her rodeo experiences and her Hollywood adventures before she became a syndicated columnist. The memoir is available at local bookstores (Tattered Cover, etc.) and at Amazon.
Nick Arvin's two-sentence fiction was included in Salon's holiday stories special.
Dan Blunk's flash fiction story "Rig #9" was published on the flash fiction site Every Day Fiction on Jan. 13. It was his first published short story. Knife Brothers rule!
Benjamin Dancer published a piece in Truthout about renewable energy and national security.
Benjamin Dancer published a piece, "Four Trans* Teens Talk About Fashion," about transgender kids and fashion for a popular feminist magazine.
Andrea Doray, long-time Lighthouser and Young Writers Program instructor, published a cover piece called "Seeking Asylum in the United States" in the Denver Post's Perspective section. She is a member of the 2014 Colorado Voices opinion panel with the Post, and has a weekly column in Colorado Community Media newspapers.
Sierra E. Fleenor's non-fiction essay "Vacuum Cleaner Truth" appears in a new anthology called Class Lives: Stories from Across Our Economic Divide released by Cornell University Press.
Lynn Hall's essay, "Blue Is the Color of Hope," was published in Hippocampus Magazine. Instructor Shari Caudron and several Lighthouse classmates helped Lynn tremendously with the piece.
Kristin Leclaire is excited that Monkey Star Press is publishing her personal essay, "What Angels Do." Kristin wrote this piece a few months ago in Lisa Ray Turner's Creative Nonfiction class. The essay will appear in a book called How To Survive Tantrums and Babysitters: Funny Stories by Frazzled Moms and should be available in 2016. This is her first print publication.
Lois Levinson had her first poem, "Migrations," published in the February 2015 online issue of Bird's Thumb. She wrote the poem during Seth Brady Tucker's Intermediate/Advanced Poetry Workshop and revised and submitted it with the guidance and encouragement of John Brehm.
Alexander Lumans' story "The Barnacle Skin Cowboy and the Book of Good Cowboy Rules" will be published in West Branch's next issue, and his story "In the Age of Decay and Slim Jims" will be published in Bat City Review's next issue.
As an Orthodox Jewish child, Rachel Maizes longed to celebrate Christmas. What happened when she did is the subject of her essay, "Not My Birthday (A Holiday Essay)," in Moment Magazine. She worked on this essay in Kathryn Eastburn's Narrative Nonfiction class. Thanks, Kathryn!
Kim O'Connor's poetry is included in The Southern Poetry Anthology Volume VII: North Carolina, which will be released in March.
Petra Perkins has been Submitting! Recent publications: Crone Magazine, Manifest Station, The Rumpus. And some awards! Shortlist, Flash Fiction (Fish Anthologies 2014); Shortlist in both Poetry & Essay (Faulkner-Wisdom 2014); Finalist, Stories on Stage (Dec); Honorable Mention, Fiction (Writer's Workshop, Asheville); Honorable Mention, CNF, New Millenniums #38.
Candace Read's essay "The Ripple Effect," about the tragic shooting of a Colorado high school student, was accepted for publication in an upcoming issue by Full Grown People. She is thankful to CNF gurus Shari Caudron and Richard Froude and all of her workshop-mates for their guidance and encouragement.
"Underwater," an excerpt from Kelly Thompson's memoir-in-progress, Oh Darling Girl, was recently published by Manifest Station. "Underwater" was first workshopped in Richard Froud's Advanced Memoir class. Kelly credits her participation in The Book Project with moving her writing towards publication.
Ann Tinkham's short story "Cookies of Fortune" appeared in the January 4th issue of Wild Violet.
Lynn Wagner has two poems coming out in the January issue of Cave Wall, including "Cento or / for Jake Adam York," which she read at the LitFest 2013 celebration of Jake's life and impact on Lighthouse.
Levi Noe started the literary podcast for Denver, Rocky Mountain Revival, which is a haven for stories and listeners, a neutral and independent territory safe for all peoples in the treacherous political quagmire of story and song. It is a literary and audio art journal, with the terms literary, audio, and art used as vaguely as possible. He's looking for is stories of all genres, including poetry. The email for submissions and all other contact is [email protected].