Hard Times

    In partnership with Denver Public Library and Jefferson County Public Library, Hard Times Writing Workshops provide community and a creative outlet for people who have recently experienced or are currently experiencing poverty, addiction, homelessness,
    and other hard situations. Here, participants learn how to put these difficult experiences into words. Led by seasoned instructors who guide participants through prompts and writing exercises, Hard Times workshops create a safe space for people in difficult situations to tell their stories and hone their craft.

    To learn more about Hard Times workshops, click on the links below:

    Find a Workshop

    In partnership with local libraries, Hard Times Writing Workshops provide community and a creative outlet for people who have recently experienced or are currently experiencing poverty, addiction, homelessness, and other hard situations.

    Support Hard Times

    As a nonprofit organization, Lighthouse depends on your support to continue serving writers and readers of all levels and backgrounds. Your contribution allows us to expand our community and bring Hard Times workshops to more writers throughout the Denver metro region and beyond.

    New Voices Fellowship

    The New Voices Fellowship was created to support the writing journey of individuals participating in the Hard Times program. Judges look for writers who show strong execution of craft and voice, and a high potential for overall growth in their writing skills.

    Applications for the 2024 fellowship are closed.

    Previous Fellows

    We launched the New Voices Fellowship in 2022. Read about the recipients here.

    The Hard Times Writing workshop...is amazing. Every week, approximately 20 people show up, and they write about exactly that, their own hard times. It's a very therapeutic process for all, friendships and support systems have been developed. One woman, who attends weekly, said to me one day "I didn't know that the awful things I had been through could help others, and I didn't know that by my witnessing others' hard times could help me."
    Elissa Hardy, DPL Community Resource Manager