Looking to connect with other writers of color in an intentional and consistent way that also supports your writing practice? Join us every month for our Writing in Color meetups! This program was created to connect writers of color in Colorado and beyond with fellow creatives so we can celebrate our work and encourage each other along the way. Writing does not have to be a solitary act. At Writing in Color, you'll be reminded of the importance of being in community with other writers who just get it.
Each month we'll come together as a community of BIPOC+ writers to discuss the craft of writing, respond to generative prompts, get inspiration from guest facilitators, and simply enjoy existing as creatives together.
Sign up for our Writing in Color monthly newsletter to receive updates on what we'll be focusing on during future meetups!
Writing in Color Meetup
$0.00 Members
$0.00 Non-members
Instructor: Twanna LaTrice Hill Learn More
Sep 26, 2024 6:30pm - 8:30pm