It's kudos time! This is our quarterly opportunity to celebrate the latest publication and award news from our members, instructors, and workshop participants. If you're a Lighthouse member who'd like to share your own good news, let us know here.
Instructors, Book Project and Poetry Collective Participants, Members
Jessica Austgen recently premiered her play, Sin Street Social Club, at the Arvada Center.
Judi Buehrer’s book, Two Years in Moscow: Russia's Early Struggles to Form a Democracy, was independently published with the services of BookCrafters of Parker.
Robert Dodge's book on local refugees, Tempest-Tost, is now available on audiobook through Amazon and iTunes.
Kali Fajardo-Anstine's book, Sabrina & Corina, was released April 2nd from One World/ Random House; a historical novel will follow.
Shirley Sullivan’s first book of poems, Find Praise for January, is forthcoming from BookBar Press.
Ann Tinkham has released her second story collection, Stories I Can't Show My Mother. Her flirty, playful stories explore sexuality and sensuality, taking you to places your mother never wanted you to discover.
Instructors, Book Project and Poetry Collective Participants, Members
Instructor Nick Arvin's book Mad Boy won the Colorado Book Award for Literary Fiction.
Member Deborah Kay Kelly’s poem, "Mississippi/Minnesota" won 2nd Place in Wundor Editions' Contest for Innovative Poetry. She also joined the Board of Directors of Tupelo Press. Additionally, two poems were accepted for inclusion in an anthology by Alternating Current Press entitled "UNDENIABLE: Writers Respond to Climate Change."
Instructor Diana Khoi Nguyen's book Ghost Of won the Colorado Book Award for Poetry.
Young Writers Program participant Caleb Pan received a Scholastic Art & Writing Gold Key Award in the Writing Portfolio category, which is open to graduating high school seniors.
Book Project graduate Catie Peterson was accepted into the Clarion West program this summer.
Lighthouse's Satellite Program Manager Rachel Weaver’s essay “Questions” won honorable mention in the Tuliptree Review Wild Women Contest this month.
Instructors + Book Project and Poetry Collective Participants
Nick Arvin had a short story accepted for publication in Ploughshares.
Laurie Duncon had "Cowboys Have Rules" published in Saddlebag Dispaches. It was inspired by a Chris Ransick exercise.
John Cotter’s essay "Four Music Lessons," appears in Ron Slate's On the Seawall and his essay "The Furies" appears in the Summer 2019 issue of Indiana Review.
Michael J. Henry had poems accepted by Vox.
Robert Garner McBrearty's short story "Cold Night in Waterloo" appears in the North American Review winter 2019 issue. Robert teaches for Lighthouse Writers North.
Melissa McInerney’s story, "The Birds Don't Care," has been published in the February, 2019 issue of GoodWorks Review.
Amanda Rea had a story, "Faint of Heart," included in Best American Mysteries, edited by Jonathan Lethem, and another story accepted to be published in American Short Fiction.
Jenny Shank’s essay "I'm Doing A Reverse Marie Kondo On My Life: The government shutdown is forcing me to pare back the things that give me joy" appeared in The Atlantic and her fifth piece of satire appeared in McSweeney's, "An Irish Blessing for 2019," ran for St. Patrick's Day.
Erika Walker’s essay, "Lucky" was published in Medical Literary Messenger for Winter/Fall 2018. Her poem, "To the Foxes" was published in Bird's Thumb, in February 2019.
Lighthouse Members
Robert Case’s contributed an essay to the recently published "Are You Still Listening? 1969 Stories and Essays."
Kate Dusto's story "Detours," which benefited from feedback during Christopher Merkner's online Winter 2018 workshop, appears in the Spring 2019 issue of JuxtaProse. Her story "Smoke Signals" also appears in the first volume of the Archipelago anthology, published by Allegory Ridge in March 2019.
Shaleen Figueroa had her poem “Ideologies Boggle Me” published in the Denver Voice.
Michele Finn Johnson's flash fiction "Grafton Hill," was published by Lost Balloon, her essay "Cleaning Up," was published by The Ilanot Review, and her flash fiction "Watching the Crash in Slow Motion," was published in Issue One of We Were So Small Journal.
Martha Kalin's poem "Train Ride with Hair on Fire" was published by Panoply, and her poem "Mojave (Beside the Water)" will be appearing in the spring edition of San Pedro River Review. Both poems are included in her recently completed manuscript "How to Hold a Flying River" that was conceived during the Poetry Book Project, working with her mentor, Chris Ransick.
Angela La Voie has a poem forthcoming in CUTTHROAT 24. The issue will be released in March at AWP.
Benjamin Eric Nelson had his poem “Can’t Hide Shame” published in the Denver Voice.
Amy Reardon published a Q&A with Pam Houston on her new book Deep Creek in The Rumpus.
Pete Simon had his poem “Pay Caracus No Mind” published in the Denver Voice.
Mike Sindler had his poems, "For Emily D. and Trayvon M." and "Joe" in the Denver Voice, "Blanket Justice" in the All the Lives We’ve Ever Lived Anthology, "Off Script at the Phone Bank" in the Colorado Independent, and five poems in American Museum of Western Art: Writing the West Collection Vol. III.
Susanna Speier had an article, “Two Georgia Bail Recovery Agents Use Instagram and Podcasting to Tell Their Story” published in the March 2019 issue of PursuitMag.
Congratulations to all! Have something to add? Let us know. Visit the Kudos archive here.