It's kudos time! This is our quarterly opportunity to celebrate the latest publication and award news from our members, instructors, and workshop participants. If you're a Lighthouse member who'd like to share your own good news, let us know here.
Book Deals and News
Member Joanna Garton has published her second book, Edge of the Map, with Mountaineers Books. One of the great untold stories in modern mountaineering, Edge was revised with lessons learned in John Cotter’s “Dialogue That Talks Back” workshop.
Book Project graduate Lew Gibb has self-published his first novel, The Journey Home, an apocalyptic adventure.
Instructor Seth Brady Tucker’s new poetry collection, Our Trifling Carcinogens, was listed as a manuscript of distinction in the Tupelo Press open reading period.
Member Robert Dodge’s eighth nonfiction book, Grand Mal: A Life with Late Onset Epilepsy, is coming out this fall from McFarland Books.
Member Dorothea Hubble Bonneau published her book Once in a Blood Moon.
Member Cristina A. Bejan published her poetry book Green Horses on the Walls with Finishing Line Press.
Awards and Recognition
Member L.A. Harris’s short story, “Sunlit charms of the Bareheaded Soil Eater,” was a finalist for the Lamar York Prize for Fiction and was recently published in the spring 2020 issue of The Chattahoochee Review.
Book Project graduate Corie Rosen’s new book of poems, Words for Things Left Unsaid, has received a National Book Award Nomination.
Member Carrie Esposito was a finalist for the William Van Dyke story prize judged by Wendy J. Fox and is thrilled to have her short story “Man of the House” published in a subsequent issue of Ruminate Magazine.
Book Project participant Emily Johns-O’Leary’s short story “Soda Money” was published in Issue 26 of New Ohio Review and was nominated for the Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers.
Member Carolina Molk’s essay was published in The Best, Most Awful Job: Twenty Writers Talk Honestly About Motherhood, published by Elliott & Thompson.
Instructor Vicki Lindner’s new short story, “A Man Comes for Tea,” will be published in Issue 19 of Hotel Amerika, a University of Nebraska Press journal.
Member Jeff Ewing has published his first creative essay, “I’m Sorry,” about his son’s addiction. He wrote the piece in Vicki Lindner’s Short Memoir class.
Executive Director Mike Henry has a poem about these strange times in the Colorado Sun’s “Write On” section.
Member Catherine Salcito was honored to have a creative nonfiction flash piece, “The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi,” published in Sheepshead Review. She also had a humorous nonfiction piece, “Confessions of a Failed Gardener,” published in both the Toho Spring 2020 Online Journal and the Toho Journal hardcover.
Member Willow Barnosky had a short story, “Outside,” published in The Font: A Literary Journal for Language Teachers, a flash piece, “Chosen,” published in Misery Tourism, a short story “You Are Made of What You Are Made of” in Severine, and a short story “Legacy” published in Honest Ulsterman. In August, her flash fiction story “That Thing With Feathers” will be published in Spelk Fiction.
Young Authors Collective Jonas Rosenthal’s piece “Reclaiming Nationalism as an Ally of Liberalism” was published in Liberal Currents magazine.
Instructor John Cotter’s short story “In Case of Emergency” appeared in Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading with an introduction by Brandon Taylor. He also had an essay, “The Hundred Oceans of Jonathan Swift,” appear in the Spring 2020 issue of Raritan.
RL Maizes’s essay “Not Saying My Dog is Cupid, But…” appeared in The New York Times’ Modern Love.
Instructor Seth Brady Tucker has had work published in LitMag, Poetry Northwest, Coal Hill Review, and Birmingham Poetry Review this quarter.
Book Project participant Oso Guardiola had his first short story published in La Piccioletta Barca. This story was workshopped under the instruction of Benjamin Whitmer.
Instructor Jenny Shank wrote about a new biography and documentary of Dorothy Day for Image Journal. She also wrote about five new books set in California for High Country News. Her essay about exercising with San Diego fitness trainers during the Covid-19 lockdown ran in The Colorado Sun.
Instructor Lynn Wagner’s poem “Black Dog Enters the Sea of Monet” was published in Compressed Journal of Creative Arts and “Fire Storm: Poem Beginning with a Line from Jane Kenyon” was published in Writers Resist. The poems benefitted from feedback in online classes with Chris Kondrich and Diana Khoi Nguyen respectively.