Editor's Note: Every Thursday, for the foreseeable future, we'll be posting some deep cuts from our blog and podcast.
Thursday, May 7: With the re-launch of our Hard Times Workshops after Covid-19 disruptions, in partnerships with the Denver and Jefferson County Public Libraries, let's revisit Executive Director Mike Henry's reflection on the inspiration, need, and heartening results of the program on its then-two-year anniversary (it's now four years-old!).
Thursday, April 30: These are strange times. What better than to allow Alexander Lumans and Carmen Maria Machado guide us through the weird, the real, and putting it into literature during their 2018 Writer's Studio conversation?
Thursday, April 23: While teenagers the world over are having to get creative while celebrating normal springtime rites like graduation and prom at home, let's remind ourselves what it felt like for Lighthouse to be a home for teens in the Young Authors Collective. (We still are, and will continue to be, no matter the stay-at-home or safer-at-home orders!).
Thursday, April 16: While the snow continues to pile up outside during our annual April snowstorm, let's imagine a time when we we could all gather together, shoulder to shoulder, and listen to two talented writers talk craft, art, and life (specifically, Kazuo Ishiguro and Erika Krouse).
Thursday, April 9: In honor of the national holiday known as Lit Fest Launch Day, and to prepare for this year's lineup, let's revisit a raucously fun salon from a few Lit Fests ago: on rejection and failure (yay!). The best news? All four panelists, Jenny Shank, Rachel Weaver, Paula Younger, and Andre Dubus III, will be teaching at Lit Fest this year too!
Thursday, April 2: Anybody else been having some really weird dreams lately? For some, it's because those dreams were delivered by this guy, who started his dream delivery service years ago. What's a dream delivery service? Find out with a Q&A with Mathias Svalina here.
Thursday, March 26: Ah, those were the days, when writers could discuss the complexities of writing nonfiction and essay, writing about real people, and considering peoples' feelings—or ignoring them, without a global pandemic shadowing over everything.
Let's go back to a simpler time, for a podcast featuring Mike Henry and Andrea Dupree interviewing nonfiction master Philip Lopate, with some bonus input from Heidi Julavits and Ben Marcus (from Inside the Writer's Studio).