The Beacon Award

Lighthouse Beacon Award for Teaching Excellence

The Lighthouse Beacon Award was initiated by students to honor a Lighthouse faculty member for teaching excellence, commitment to students, and dedication to the craft of writing. The Beacon Award is presented at the kickoff get-together for the fall workshop session or during the annual holiday party and comes with an award of $1,500 for the instructor.

Instructors are eligible if they have taught for adult programs at Lighthouse during the previous year, September 1, 2024 to August 31 2025. Past recipients of the Beacon Award are eligible again after a one-year grace period. Directors, officers, and staff of Lighthouse Writers Workshop are ineligible for the award, including the Program Director, Executive Director, Director of Development, Program Assistants, or Young Writers Program Coordinator.

The Award was originated by students and relies on nominations from students and current members of Lighthouse Writers Workshop. Once the call goes out, it’s up to our membership to submit letters of nomination. There are no bureaucratic forms to fill out, no affidavits to be notarized. Just submit your nomination by August 31, 2025, nominating a teacher who has made a memorable impact on the development of your craft during the past year. Include the instructor’s name, what classes you took, and any other information you feel relevant.

Once the letters of nomination are received, a Beacon Award Committee consisting of students and members of the Lighthouse Board of Directors will meet to consider the nominations received. They’ll consider these letters of support during the summer break and recommend one instructor to the Board for the Beacon Award.

Past Winners

2024: TBD
2023: Suzi Q. Smith
2022: Sarah Elizabeth Schantz
2021: Tiffany Quay Tyson
2020: Amanda Rea
2019: Joy Roulier Sawyer
2018: John Cotter
2017: Rachel Weaver
2016: Victoria Hanley
2015: Benjamin Whitmer
2014: Erika Krouse
2013: Chris Ransick
2012: David Rothman
2011: Shari Caudron
2010: Paula Younger
2009: Alexandre Philippe
2008: William Haywood Henderson

Did your Lighthouse instructor have an impact on your writing? Tell us about it!