[caption id="attachment_275" align="alignnone" width="200" caption="Sarah Ockler, Lighthouse Writer & author"][/caption]
Our friend Sarah Ockler, whose YA novel 20 Boy Summer is due out from Little, Brown in June 2009, wanted to give back to Lighthouse, where she got her start as a writer and worked through her book. Her idea was to offer a scholarship to people who want to take 8-week workshops at Lighthouse, but for whom the tuition was a bit much. Enter the first Working-Writer Scholarship, sponsored by published Lighthouse workshoppers. We had dozens of entries, all of which were really great, and sent along a number of them for Sarah to judge. Here's what she had to say:
I am pleased to announce that the winner of the Lighthouse Writers Workshop scholarship competition is Brendan Landry.
Brendan's short story, "Bay House," tells of family estrangement, returning home, and the painful memories that often churn in the wake of a loved one's death. While Bay House's themes feel familiar, the writing is anything but, pulling us smack into the middle of one man's very personal struggle with his mother's death and tenuous reconnection with his father.
I bring the drinks to the guest bedroom and find dad balling up the quilted green comforter. He looks at me like I've interrupted something private.
As a reader, I felt much the same as the narrator, interrupting something private as I watched each scene unfold. An unexpected return home after eight years. Awkward silences between shared memories. Alcoholism and death and mourning. The scenes and details are so vivid that at times, I forgot I was reading rather than watching this story happen through my own window.
Selecting just one winning piece from the scholarship submissions we received was not an easy task, but it was absolutely enjoyable! Crossing multiple genres, each entry was an example of the impactful, quality writing I've come to know and expect from Lighthouse members. Thank you to all who participated for sharing your work with me. I am happy to congratulate Brendan Landry and look forward to watching Bay House grow and develop at Lighthouse Writers Workshop. Best of luck and continued writing success to Brendan and all of the finalists!
Thank YOU, Sarah! I'm waiting for the ARC of 20 Boy Summer, and will report on it when I receive it. If any other published Lighthouse Writers would like to sponsor another writer who could use the help, please let us know! [email protected].
Congratulations, Brendan!