Further evidence of a short storycentric universe?

...or at least that reports of the demise of the short story are greatly exaggerated: the National Book Awards are going all democratic in chosing the "best NBA winner of all time." You can vote on the expert-whittled list here, but take note: four of the six choices are story collections.  Which of the six did you vote for? 


I love all of these writers, but I have to confess that after a bone-chilling, absorbing, fanfreakingtastic reading of "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by actress Lauren Klein this weekend at Stories on Stage, I have Flannery O'Connor on the brain. And if it's on my brain, I vote it. I wouldn't be disappointed if any of these writers or books won, though I might arch an eyebrow at Gravity's Rainbow (love love love Pynchon, but really?).